Currently, we are busy tearing, folding and counting garbage bags, and preparing them for sale. This is a great in-center task for those individuals who may not get out in the community. This job has several different steps that are broken down and paid individually, so everyone can work on part or all of this process depending on ability. The garbage bags come on a large roll and the individuals tear the bags from the roll, getting paid per bag that they tear. This is a great job for those that need more physical assistance, as it is easy for staff to give hand-over-hand assistance as needed to complete this step. The next step is to fold the bags. Typically, the individuals fold 10 bags at a time, and again are paid per bag that they fold. This step can be completed with hand over hand assistance as well, which makes it possible for all of our individuals to get involved in. The final step is to count the bags by groups of 10, and the individual is paid per each group of 10. The bags are either sold by 10, 100, or 200. If filling a box of 100, the individual counts out 10 groups of 10, so this job requires someone that can be a little more independent.
Current Job Highlight: Garbage Bags
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